Sunday 13 March 2011

Whoooo is this JRF?

Sometimes even I ask myself that. Who is this RF that keeps getting linked to my name 'Joel'.

Well FYI my full name is not actually JRF, it's actually JAA ...but we'll not go into that!

So WHO IS THIS JRF you ask.... ?!?!??

.... JRF is my alter ego!!! The personality that I've created, that is able to accomplish whatever the real Joel cannot or is too shy to accomplish ...with swagger/ glam & style!

So there's this shy and reserved me and at the same time there's this whole other person that owns his own swagger, that can demand the attention of a room & make strong fashion statements.

Over the years, I've learnt that Joel and RF can be infused together because we both share a love of FASHION. WE are not afraid to express our individuality within the way we dress!!!

JRF is all about the edgy/ futuristic/ high fashion/ glamourous/ & sharp FINISH!

I am no Andre Leon Taley or Anna's not about the brand I wear or what I's really all about my FASHION SENSE, what I put together & then most I pull it off~~~

So here's to a new beginning with the Haus Of FIERZE....

(special shout-out to my Web Designer May RF without whom this blog is not possible at alllll!) <3 u loads May! 


Singlet: Renoma
Styling: Joel

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